g3pLAB / experimental space / Prague:

2022 - 2024 - Ryba v přímém přenosu /// Fish LIVE
2020 - 2021 - Skvělé vyhlídky /// Great Expectations
2019 - Pozorovací pole /// Observation Field
2018 - Skrytá identita /// Hidden Identity
2017 - Ne/zodpovězená otázka /// Un/answered Question
2016 - Složená postava & Haute Couture Fiction
2015 - Bod zlomu /// Breaking Point I+II

1983 - 1989 - School of Fine Arts, Prague
1988 - 1989 - École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris
1991 - 1992 - stay in Paris
1992 - 1993 - scholarship at ARTEST, Foundation S. Buffat, Geneve, Switzerland
1993          stay in Epernay, France
1993 - 1994 - stay in la Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland


Independent exhibitions:

2019 - inExtreMis, TOPIČŮV SALON, Prague, Cz
2019 - MIXED EMOTIONS, Prostor 228, Liberec, Cz
2019 - OBSERVATION FIELD, Petr Novotný Gallery, Prague, Cz
2016 - FACETIME, Petr Novotný Gallery, Prague, Cz
2015 - The Burden of Lightness, Gallery of Fine Arts, Litoměřice, Cz
2013 - Point of View, Kinský Gallery, Kostelec nad Orlicí, Cz
2011 - "Liquid paintings", Bloom Gallery, 798 Art District, Beijing, China
2010 - "Liquid paintings", Embassy Art, Beijing, China
2010 - Gallery ARS " Liquid sans / 2 ", Brno, Cz
2010 - Gallery Rabas "Liquid sands / 1", Rakovnik, Cz
2009 - Czech Point Berlin, Germany
2006 - Gallery CROUS Beaux- Arts, Paris, France
2006 - To the Unknown", Gallery Beseda, Ostrava, Cz
2006 - "Under the High Sky", Museum of Vysoké nad Jizerou, Cz
2005 - Gallery ARS, Brno, Cz
2004 - "Opera Chemica", Museum of Pisek, Cz
2004 - "Magic of a Matter", Gallerry Kai de Kai, Prague, Cz
2003 - "Colour Experiment", Museum of Vysoke nad Jizerou, Cz
       (with Rodolphe Fischmeister)
2003 - "Between Science and Colour", INSERM, Hotel de Ville de Chatenay-Malabry, France
2002 - "Elegy of Vysoke", Museum of Vysoke nad Jizerou, Cz
2002 - "Sous la Surface", Galerie l'Acadie, Cajarc, France
2001 - EastWest Institute, Prague, Cz
       (with J.P. Muller)
2000 - "Regards Complices", Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles, Prague, Cz
1999 - KPMG Berlin, Germany
1999 - Gallery ARTIS, Lausanne, Switzerland
1999 - Gallery J NJ, Prague, Cz
       (with A. Bonnin)
1999 - Gallery Les Lumieres, Nanterre, France
1998 - Gallery Chagall, Karvina, Cz
1998 - Bank Austria Creditanstalt, Prague, Cz
1998 - "Blue Velvet", Gallery Fronta, Prague, Cz
1997 - Gallery Synagoga , Hranice ,Cz
1997 - Gallery P&M, Zlin, Cz
1996 - Gallery Portheimka, Prague, Cz
1996 - Gallery Bratří Čapků, Prague, Cz
1995 - Gallery M. K., Jihlava, Cz
1994 - Gallery A. Philippon, Lausanne, Switzerland
1994 - Galerie Nelly L'Eplattenier, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland
1993 - Palazzo Morettini, Locarno, Switzerland
1992 - Gallery "Au Virage", Seprais, Switzerland
1991 - Gallery Michele L. B., Paris, France
1990 - Gallery Kunsthuis, Enschede, Holland
1989 - Gallery Bernanos, Paris, France


Participation in exhibitions:

2017 - Jamming, DOX, Prague, Cz
2017 - Landscape 2017, Nová galerie / New Gallery, Cz
2014 - Jamming, Stolen Gallery, Prague, Cz
2014 - Art that lives with me, Trutnov City Gallery, Cz
2013 - At Home, Gallery Frantisek Drtikol, Pribram, Cz
2013 - Airplane UB, Dům umění Opava, Cz
2013 - In Art There Is Freedom , Clam-Gallasův palác Prague, CZ
2013 - UB Gallery N, Jablonec nad Nisou, CZ
2011 - Terra non firma, Kartografie, Prague, CZ
2009 - Farbvisionen aus Prag, Kleisthaus, Berlin, Germany
2009 - "Eternal Transience" North Bohemian Gallery of Fine Arts, Litomerice, CZ
2009 - "Mini UB", Gallery Vltavin, Prague, CZ
2007 - Umělecká beseda arts association, Museum and gallery, Rychnov nad Kněžnou, Gallery of Fine Arts in Most
2007 - "Awareness of man", West Bohemian Gallery, Plzeň, Gallery Mánes, Praha
2005 - "Paraphrases", Gallery of Litomerice, Cz
2005 - Art Prague, Manes, Cz
2003 - Umelecka Beseda - 1863-2003, City Gallery, Prague, Cz
2003 - Art Prague, Manes, Prague, Cz
2002 - Gris de Novembre, Gallery l'Arcadie, Cajarc, France
2002 - Gallery Dung Bui, Paris, France
2001 - MAC 2000, Paris, France
2000 - MAC 2000, Paris, France
1999 - "Kolorismus", Gallery of Litomerice, Cz
1999 - Hommage a Kafka, Augsburg-Prague, Germany/Cz
1999 - Sai Gallery, New York, USA
1997 - Gallery Tallstrasse, Halle, Germany
1997 - University de Paul, Chicago, USA
1996-2000 - "Umelecka beseda", Manes, Praha, Cz
1996 - Exhibition of Czech Art, Venray, Holland
1995 - Bell’Usine, Carouge, Geneva, Switzerland
1993 - Gallery Art Programme, Carouge, Geneva, Switzerland
1992 - Centre Culturel, Epinay sur Seine, France
1992 - Gallery Mitteleuropa, Prague, Cz
1990 - Jazz club Reduta, Prague, Cz
1990 - Gallery Bernanos, Paris, France
1989 - II. Biennale of the Art Schools of Europe, Antwerpen, Belgium
1988 - I. Biennale of the Art Schools of Europe, Toulouse, France


Hommage á Kafka, Augsburg, Germany

Represented in many collections in Czech Republic, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, USA etc.